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Scottish Impressions

Views from atop...

Well, here we are, all the way up to Arthur's Seat. Now look at this guy. Just flew up here...
It was quite a demon to kill to finally get up here. It was the good old "Didn't you know?"-story. What do you do when a slope seems to high to climb? If the demon in you tries to stop you from doing what this little guy does without thinking about it? Trust. Knowing it has an end and knowing there's someone who loves you near. That is what knocks the demon out. And that is what finally gives you this reward: A wonderful view over and around one of the most wonderful towns in the world. Enjoy.

... views thru...

A dark alley. And this door. Promising all a dark alley refuses. Light. Colors. And, far beyond, the sea. Only a door away.
(Gate of Coachman's Cottage, Culross)

... and views below.

A tree. All his life was dedicated to trees. His strongest believe was that trees posessed all the wisdom life had to offer. So he listened. And he listened more intensely the older he got. People often passed him by, deep in the forest. They laughed and asked: "What are they telling you, old man?". He just smiled and listened on. One day he told his son: "Son, I know all I ever wanted to know. Except for one single thing they couldn't tell me." He went out to his little place down in the woods and once again listened to the whispering of his friends.
That was where his son found him in the evening... Dead, but with a blessed smile on his lips...
This must be the place where they buried him. Even after his death, his faith still covers the cold stone of his grave...
(Graveyard at the shore of Loch Achray, Trossachs)

The dimming light of day rests on one of the only silent and peaceful places in Glasgow: Its Necropolis. Surrounded by noise, traffic, work and a (not really beautiful) big city lie merchants from the late 19th century on. What would they think of "their" Glasgow if they woke up just now and had a look around?

Still life... and still death

Life surrounds death. A fern near Loch Kathrine.

All photos made by the creator of the page. If you want to use them, please contact me first.
LostJedi, am 30. Tage des November anno domini 2001